Well I did it! I lasted a whole week now. The first week went by incredibly slow. The first few days with the language were soooo overwhelming. It's starting to come now though. Our second day here we taught a lesson to an "investigator" who only spoke Italian. We teach him almost everyday and everyday me and Anziano Bennett understand more and more. The other Anziani in my district are Anziano Locklear from Tenesse, Anziano Jonson from Denver, Anziano Bagaley from SLC, and Anziano Walker from Cali. Sunday and tuesday have been the best days so far because of the firesides. Tuesday we had a member of the 7o talk to us. His name is Elder Koelliker. For the sake of time I wont go into detail about his talk, but I will say the spirit was very strong. They keep us busy here. We have like 8 hours of language class a day, an hour of gym time, and the rest is study time. I have taken a bunch of pictures with my district that i will try to get sent home.
I love all of you and cant wait to hear from you all again!!
Anziano Faggioli
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